Monday, May 27, 2013

Early Classical Era

Early Classical Era (Blog # 2) 
Reading about the Greek Empire and their ideas of democracy makes me realize that many countries, including United States have adopted these ideas resulting in the inclusion and respect of all people living within the boundaries of a country. The idea of “citizenship”, originality described by the Greeks, was to give people the freedom to participate in state affairs and to make them equal before the law. This idea has been also adopted by the US with a small difference: in the Athenian democracy people directly participated in politics while in modern democracy people decides on political matters by choosing their political leaders who agree with people ideals. Another similarity between Greek and modern democracy, at least until the beginning of the XX century in the US, women, slaves, and foreigners were prohibited to participate in political affairs.  As the Greek and Roman Empire unified its culture by assimilating other communities into their society, in the same way, US have integrated people from all part of the world to its society by providing a standard education, speaking the same language, and respecting people’s customs and religions.

Religion has taken an important role in human history. Some religions have transcended and others have evolved changing people’s traditions throughout time. Hinduism changed from ritual and sacrifice to devotion and worship, Buddhism changed from non religious tradition to give emphasis to the supernatural, and Christianity first originated by poor people became an imperial church run by powerful religious leaders. In accordance to the book, religion seems to be consistent on one thing: it has justified social and gender inequality, it has helped people to endure difficulties, and in occasions it has stimulated reform and rebellion. At least, rebellion helped to end slavery and patriarchy later in history. It made me mad to read about slavery and patriarchy and I could not reconcile my thoughts even when I read the ideas that justified such human behavior. Why humans thought that they had the right to own other humans? One scholar according to the book suggested that the idea of slavery comes with the early domestication of animals. In which way humans are compared to animals? Also, why males believed they were superior to females? In one hand, I understand that male invented these ideas to keep themselves on top of the hierarchical spectrum and yet, I am puzzled to observe so many contradictions as history was written. Fortunately, slavery has ended but I am not so sure patriarchy has.  

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Ancient Civilizations

Ancient Civilizations (Blog # 1)
It made me content to read about the Paleolithic Era because I understood why people lived happily from gathering and hunting for such a long time, from 200,000 ya to 12,000 ya.  Earth since the beginning of times has been the main source of food to people and humans of the Paleolithic Era appreciated and respected what nature could offer. They did not abuse the land as we do it know, and they did not waste food as we do it now. Humans first lived in Africa and to find food they migrated to other continents, first to Asia, then to Europe, Australia and America. Based on archaeological findings, people of this Era developed the bow and arrow to facilitate hunting practices. Their ingenuity allowed them to build boats reaching continents separated by water. The journeys of the Dreamtimes described how people related to animals and one another. People appreciated and respected the environment and did not accumulate wealth as the people from the Neolithic Era did.
                The Neolithic Era also known as the Agricultural Era happened from 12,00ya to 10,000 B.C.E. During this period, groups of people settled in areas close to bodies of water where they developed the technology of agriculture and the domestication of animals. Humans grew different plants or animals depending on the climate conditions of the region. For example, in the Fertile Crescent people grew wheat, barley, lentils, sheep, goats and pigs. Others, like in Sudan, only raised cattle since it was a desert. Some archeologists argue that agriculture was the alternative for food sources after large mammal became extinct from hunting and global warming provided the ideal conditions to grow crops. During the time, the role of men and women stay the same as it was in the Paleolithic Era, women responsible to farm the land while men were responsible to raise animals. Agriculture lead to settlement of groups that later became societies. Abundance of food allowed populations to grow pushing them eventually to migrate to other places. This meant the absorption of early gatherers and hunters with the spread of culture and language. In this Era human behavior changed, agrarian and pastoral societies were in conflict when the wealthy agrarian society wanted to manipulate the other. Just as humans “controlled” plants and animals, later they controlled other people as we see in our current society.
                Agrarian societies became cities and states from 3,500 B.C.E. to 500 B.C.E. A new kind of society was possible by the large productivity of crops. Although historians used the term “civilization” to refer to these new societies, I prefer not use it due to its negative connotations. With the increase of population three cities appeared: Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Norte Chico. These cities were geographically located near rivers or oceans which facilitate its irrigation system. Mesopotamia and Egypt interchanged products and ways of life. Later, another three major cities emerged: India, China, and Olmec. All cities had in common a surplus on food production which was cultivated by the majority of the citizens and minorities were dedicated to go government jobs. Some scholars believed that irrigation appeared after population grew so much that they needed to find a new way to grow more products. Accumulation of products made wealthy and powerful societies forming armies to conquest other cities. During this time, the division of social classes was originated.   The upper class was formed by the politicians, military people, and religious leaders while the low class was formed by artisans, soldiers, police, servants, and farmer. At the bottom of the social hierarchy were slaves who were prisoners of war, criminals, or debtors. As agricultural labor intensified and as societies grew, men were dedicated to agriculture and women were involved in raising children moving societies from matriarchy to patriarchy.
                Although reading these chapters allowed me to understand human behavior, I still struggle to accept humans have the need to dominate others when they feel powerful.